How to declare a war
After reading Putin’s address on the eve of Ukraine invasion in full, it occurred to me that I’ve never actually read any of Hitler’s speeches. So I found the english version of his Barbarossa declaration of 1941… and then for good measure, I pulled up George W Bush’s 2003 Operation Iraqi Freedom address.
What I’ve found is blowing my mind, even though I suspected much of it and already knew some. The same phrases, the same bitterness, excuses, justifications, complaints. I just can’t keep this all to myself…
Let’s take a look at the main points and compare the three declarations
We were forced into this by unfriendly powers and did not deserve this
the British attempt to thwart every beginning of a consolidation of Europe
This rise of our people from distress, misery and shameful disregard was in the form of a purely internal renaissance. In no way did that affect, much less threaten, Britain.
Moscow not only broke but miserably betrayed the stipulations of our friendship treaty
both Britain and Soviet Russia intended to let this war go on for as long as possible in order to weaken all Europe and render it ever more impotent (Hitler)
Over the years, U.N. weapon inspectors have been threatened by Iraqi officials, electronically bugged, and systematically deceived.
The regime has a history of reckless aggression in the Middle East. It has a deep hatred of America and our friends. And it has aided, trained and harbored terrorists, including operatives of al Qaeda.
The United States and other nations did nothing to deserve or invite this threat. But we will do everything to defeat it (Bush)
Despite all these injustices, deception and outright robbery of Russia, our people, namely the people, recognized new geopolitical realities
The authorities of some Eastern European countries, trading in Russophobia, brought their complexes and stereotypes about the Russian threat to the Alliance, insisted on building collective defense capacities, which should be deployed primarily against Russia (Putin)
We did all we could to maintain peace, even at great cost to ourselves
I still believe at this late hour to have served the cause of peace in that region, albeit by assuming a serious obligation of our own.
Whereas in the spring of 1940 Germany, in accordance with the so-called Friendship Treaty, withdrew her forces from the eastern frontier and, in fact, for the most part cleared these areas entirely of German troops, a deployment of Russian forces at that time was already beginning, to an extent that could only be regarded as a deliberate threat to Germany (Hitler)
United States and other nations have pursued patient and honorable efforts to disarm the Iraqi regime without war
Since then, the world has engaged in 12 years of diplomacy (Bush)
Russia fulfilled all its obligations, including withdrawing troops from Germany, from the states of Central and Eastern Europe, and thereby made a huge contribution to overcoming the legacy of the Cold War (Putin)
Our hand was forced, as inaction would mean a greater conflict
Immediately after the failure of this undertaking, there was renewed reinforcement of concentrations of Russian troops on Germany’s eastern frontier. Tank units and parachute troops were transferred in ever increasing numbers to dangerous proximity to the German frontier. The German armed forces and the German homeland know that until a few weeks ago not a single German tank or motorized division was stationed on our eastern frontier
However, for more than two decades the Jewish Bolshevik rulers in Moscow had been endeavoring to set aflame not only Germany but all Europe (Hitler)
We are now acting because the risks of inaction would be far greater. In one year, or five years, the power of Iraq to inflict harm on all free nations would be multiplied many times over.
This regime has already used weapons of mass destruction against Iraq’s neighbors and against Iraq’s people … the terrorists could fulfill their stated ambitions and kill thousands or hundreds of thousands of innocent people in our country, or any other (Bush)
In March 2021, Ukraine adopted a new Military Strategy. This document is almost entirely devoted to the confrontation with Russia, aims to draw foreign states into a conflict with our country
We also know that there have already been statements that Ukraine is going to create its own nuclear weapons, and this is not an empty bravado (Putin)
It’s not the people of our opposition — it’s their illegitimate leadership
This has brought us to the hour when it is necessary for us to counter this plot of Jewish-British warmongers and equally the Jewish rulers of the Bolshevik center in Moscow
The German people has never harbored hostile feelings against the peoples of Russia. However, for more than two decades the Jewish Bolshevik rulers in Moscow had been endeavoring to set aflame not only Germany but all Europe (Hitler)
Unlike Saddam Hussein, we believe the Iraqi people are deserving and capable of human liberty. And when the dictator has departed, they can set an example to all the Middle East of a vital and peaceful and self-governing nation (Bush)
And then they went down the path of satisfying the ambitions of nationalist elites laid down at the dawn of the USSR
External forces also played a role, which, with the help of an extensive network of NGOs and special services, grew their clientele in Ukraine and promoted its representatives to power
The radicals who seized power organized persecution, real terror against those who opposed unconstitutional actions (Putin)
There’s a clear and present danger to us
Today something like 160 Russian divisions are standing at our frontier. For weeks there have been constant violations of this frontier, not only affecting us but also in the far north, as well as Romania. Russian airmen consider it sport nonchalantly to overlook these frontiers, presumably to prove to us that they already feel themselves masters of these territories (Hitler)
With these capabilities, Saddam Hussein and his terrorist allies could choose the moment of deadly conflict when they are strongest. We choose to meet that threat now, where it arises, before it can appear suddenly in our skies and cities (Bush)
It is obvious that such events serve as a cover for the rapid build-up of the NATO military group on the territory of Ukraine. Especially since the network of airfields modernized with the help of Americans ... is able to ensure the transfer of military units in the shortest possible time. The airspace of Ukraine is open to flights of U.S. strategic and reconnaissance aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, which are used to monitor the territory of Russia
And, I stress this point, the danger of a sudden attack on our country will increase many fold (Putin)
We have to face the realities and act in our best interest now (it just happens to be everyone’s best interest as well…)
Although I have been obliged by circumstances again and again to keep silent, the moment has now come when to continue as a mere observer would not only be a sin of omission but a crime against the German people — yes, even against the whole of Europe
The task of this front, therefore, is not merely the protection of individual countries, but the safeguarding of Europe, and thereby the salvation of all (Hitler)
The United States, with other countries, will work to advance liberty and peace in that region. Our goal will not be achieved overnight, but it can come over time.
The terrorist threat to America and the world will be diminished the moment that Saddam Hussein is disarmed (Bush)
And they fight for their basic rights — to live on their land, to speak their own language, to preserve their culture and traditions
We are well aware of our enormous responsibility for regional and global stability (Putin)
The final two are notably mostly limited to Nazi Germany and United States…
We have the right to defend ourselves, and we are not alone
together with the heroes of Finnish freedom under their Marshal, are protecting Finnish soil. Formations of the German eastern front extend from East Prussia to the Carpathians. German and Romanian soldiers are united (Hitler)
The United States of America has the sovereign authority to use force in assuring its own national security
Many nations, however, do have the resolve and fortitude to act against this threat to peace, and a broad coalition is now gathering to enforce the just demands of the world (Bush)
When the level of threats to our country increases significantly, Russia has every right to take retaliatory measures to ensure its own security (Putin)
God is with us
May the Lord God help us especially in this fight! (Hitler)
Good night, and may God continue to bless America.(Bush)
Russia is quite happy to play the “everyone is out to get us” part, and (mostly) keep the question of God’s favoritism out of the spotlight.